Privacy Policy
Canal Street Market
This website is owned and operated by Canal Street Market.
We recognize that many visitors to our store are concerned about the information they provide to us, and how we treat that information. So we’ve developed this Privacy Policy to address those concerns.
We may update this policy from time to time, so please check in. Types of information we collect at our site, we collect both personally-identifiable information and aggregate information.
Personally-identifiable information relates to an individual customer – e.g., name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card number, etc. We only collect personally-identifiable information from individuals who provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly, such as by registering at our site, or by providing name and address information and requesting follow-up contacts from us. We don’t require you to register or provide this information to us in order to review our site or have access to its content. Canal Street Market does not distribute or share your information with any other source.
Links to Other Sites. We do our very best to make sure that every link on our website sends you to a helpful place on the internet. However, websites and addresses change quickly, and Canal Street Market cannot guarantee the content of every site to which we provide a link. In addition, different websites have different privacy policies. You should always check the privacy policy of the specific site you are visiting to understand your rights.